====== Community Networks SIG ====== Community Networks **S**pecial **I**nterest **G**roup is a group of individuals interested in exploring Alternative Networks i.e **Community Networks** which stands as a viable alternative to the current Centralized Internet Model. The meeting happens atleast once a month whenever the group forms itself to share the Knowledge. ^ Venue | [[https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=18/13.04643/80.24672|FSFTN Office, Chennai]] | ^ Contact | [[vms20591@pm.me|VMS]] , [[balaji@fsftn.org|Balaji]] | Learnings in the SIG, * [[https://files.fsftn.org/s/6fGWJZanne3azmf|Introduction to Community Networks]] * [[https://www.facebook.com/fsftn/posts/2577804762246854|Flashing a Router with OpenWRT]]